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The Department Council appoints the Executive Committee upon proposal of the Director.

The Executive Committee assists the Director, with investigative, coordination and decision-making functions within the limits of the delegation granted to it.

The composition of the Executive Committee, its duties and its functioning are governed by the Department Regulations.

The following are part of the Executive Committee for the three-year period 2021-2024:

  • the Director: prof. Antonello Pietrangelo
  • the Deputy Director: prof. Luigi Chiarini

a representation of the teaching and research staff, the technical/administrative staff and the students who are part of the Department Council, defined as follows:

  • four full professors;
  • three associate professors;
  • two researchers;
  • two representatives of the technical/administrative staff
  • a representative of the students of the Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery who are part of the Department Council;
  • a representative of the trainees
  • a representative of the research fellows and a representative of the holders of coordinated and continuous collaboration who are part of the Department Council

The representatives of the teachers and researchers, who are part of the Executive Committee, in the Council of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery are prof. Luigi Chiarini, Prof.ssa Barbara Predieri and Dott.ssa Valentina Pinto.

The position of member of the Executive Committee lasts three years and can be renewable consecutively only once.

The student representatives of the Study, Doctorate and Specialization Courses remain in office for two academic years and cannot be re-elected consecutively more than once.

The representatives of the holders of coordinated and continuous collaboration contracts and the representatives of the grant holders remain in office for one academic year and cannot be re-elected consecutively more than once.

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