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The Degree Course in Obstetrics lasts three years and issues the qualification to practice the profession of Midwife.
Born from civil commitment since the dawn of sociality, the figure of the Midwife has consolidated with modern medicine, acquiring, in the current reality, the role of an autonomous and responsible professional in the sectors of his/her competence.
The Degree Course in Obstetrics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia aims to train professionals with theoretical knowledge and technical skills necessary to carry out the profession.
The main objective is to train professionals according to ethical, deontological and disciplinary principles relating to the physical and mental well-being of the woman-couple-family throughout her evolutionary path: birth, childhood, adolescence, maturity, pregnancy, menopause and old age.
The course of study, with compulsory attendance, has a six-monthly organization of theoretical training activities (basic and professionalizing teachings, lectures, laboratories, exercises) and an annual organization of clinical-care activities (internship). Before starting the internship, students attend teaching laboratories (mandatory) in which it is possible to do simulations through the use of trainers. The teaching laboratory proves to be a necessary methodology for training to begin in a "protected" context, which anticipates the internship experiences in the field, becoming a "bridge" between theory and clinical internship. The degree course makes use of the innovative Center for Advanced Training and Medical Simulation (FASiM) of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

PresidentProf.ssa Isabella Neri 
tel: 059 422 2664 
Director of Professionalizing Educational ActivitiesDott.ssa Midwife Ramona Infante
TutorDott.ssa Midwife Maria Teresa Molinazzi
Teaching Secretariat Officetel: 059 422 2682 (Mon to Fri from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) 
Course locationVia del Pozzo 71, 41124 Modena

First-year classes

For students enrolled in the First Year of the Bachelor of Science in Midwifery program.

On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 10:45 a.m.
at the Obstetrics Clinic room R6.2
of AOU Policlinico di Modena in Via del Pozzo 71 Modena
Entrance 1 6th floor 
(enter the door in front of 'entrance 1, left elevator 6th floor, exit
from the elevator you will find classroom R6.2)

Information inherent to the Degree Course and the class schedules will be provided.

May 5, 2024: The International Day of Midwives