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Course in brief

Degree class: L/SNT-2 Health professions for rehabilitation


The three-year degree course in Speech and Language Therapy issues the qualification to practice the profession of speech therapist.

The prevention, education and rehabilitation of language and communication alterations play an increasingly important and important role today, not only in developing age but also in adulthood and geriatrics.

The training activity includes traditional lectures, practical exercises, and compulsory internship activities. The study programme focuses on the student to enable the development and acquisition of the professional skills of the speech therapist in reference to three areas: clinical area (prevention, taking charge, assessment, treatment, and counselling), organisational area (autonomy and teamwork), professional area (development of profession and discipline). The internship, which is a fundamental part of the training, aims to provide the professional skills of the speech therapist related to the evaluation, planning, implementation and monitoring of the speech therapy. The internship activity is carried out in public and/or private healthcare facilities in partnership with the University.

The speech therapist carries out his/her activity by preventing and rehabilitating language and communication issues in developmental, adult and geriatric age. His/her activity is aimed at the education and re-education of voice disorders, speech, oral and written language, communication and swallowing disabilities. The professional activity may be carried out in hospitals and territorial structures of the National Health System, in structures and private and/or affiliated clinics, in residential structures for the elderly, in private studios. The speech therapist may carry out research activities in scientific research institutions, projects for local authorities and management and administrative activities in healthcare institutions. The Degree Programme in Speech and Language Therapy provides direct access to the Master's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Sciences of Healthcare Professions with no credit obligations.

PresidentProf. Alexandre Anesi
Director of Professionalizing Teaching ActivitiesDott.ssa Elisabetta Losi 
tel. 0522 522445
Course locationPadiglione de Sanctis 
Via Amendola 2 
42122 Reggio Emilia

Admission to the degree programme is subject to the possession of a secondary school diploma or a qualification obtained abroad and deemed equivalent.

Applicants are admitted to the programme after passing an entry test in accordance with the national applicable legislation relating to limited access degree programmes for health professions scheduled at national level (Law 264/99) and the teaching regulations of the degree programme.

The knowledge required for admission is assessed and must reach a minimum score set.

Applicants not achieving this score shall be assigned additional learning requirements (OFA) to be completed by attending the remedial courses indicated by the degree programme.

By clicking on the link below, you can view the study plan. 

  • Select the academic year of the enrollment from the drop-down menu at the top of the page
  • click the "STUDY PLANS" button.

Study plans