The Speech Therapy Course in collaboration with the degree courses of the health professions based in Reggio Emilia (Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician and Nursing) has organized a training course entitled "The professional of the future" open to its graduates aimed at orienting them towards entering the world of work.
This is a cycle of webinars delivered via the Teams platform on active job search, the CV, entering the public sector and carrying out freelance work, registration with the professional association, research and post-graduate training.
documents available only in Italian version
Since 2011, the Class 2 Rehabilitation Degree Courses have annually organized the training course for operators of the affiliated facilities entitled "Training of trainers of the Class 2 Degree Courses - Rehabilitation Health Professions". The course is aimed at tutors, internship guides of the degree courses in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician and Speech Therapy who see the quality of training as a decisive element for the growth of their skills and the skills of future generations. The objective of the course is to contribute to the promotion of the process of improving training standards by internship guides.