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Knowledge and skills required for access to the Degree Programme are verified through written selection test, the content of which is arranged by Ministerial Decree.

The methods of assessment and the contents of the test are publicized in detail, well in advance, in the appropriate announcement or notice.

If the need arises, on the basis of the results of the admission test, the CCdS may assign additional educational obligations (OFA) with regard to the subjects covered by the examination, to be made up through attendance of remedial courses appropriately indicated for physics.

In order to enable the OFAs to be fulfilled, specific preparatory and supplementary educational activities are provided, which consist of teledidactic courses that the student can attend electronically at the times most congenial to him/her.

A student who is found not to have fulfilled the OFAs by the date of the beginning of the teaching activities of the second year of the course (September 30) is enrolled as a repeat student in the first year of the course. Alternatively, it is his or her option to drop his or her studies and re-enroll in the first year of the CdS, or to apply for enrollment in another degree program, according to the provisions of the latter's teaching regulations.


To transfer to the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia refer to Unimore forms.



For the outline of the application for CFU recognition refer to Unimore forms.