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Advanced Master Programme (2nd level)


Specific learning objectives
The course aims to provide doctors with:
- knowledge of the main differences between the obsolete model of late and end-of-life palliative care and the evidence-based model of early and simultaneous palliative care;
- knowledge relating to the legislative and organizational aspects of early and simultaneous palliative care services;
- theoretical and practical knowledge of the model of early and simultaneous palliative care in the oncology-hematology field, of the critical issues and barriers in its implementation, of its constituent elements and of the management of the 5 main phases indicated by the model;
- knowledge and management skills, also in terms of communication skills, of the first phase/visit: introduction of the model to the patient and caregiver; listening to the experience of the patient and caregiver; building a relationship based on trust;
- knowledge and management skills, also in terms of communication skills, of the second and third phase/visit: evaluation and management of symptoms; coordination with oncology/hematology and any other specialists; assessment of the patient's and caregiver's level of understanding of the diagnosis and prognosis; knowledge of different coping methods; understanding the patient's goals and expectations;
- knowledge and management skills, also in terms of communication skills, of the fourth and fifth phase/visit: the role of the patient's values ​​and how to elicit them; the prescription suited to the patient's values; advanced care planning and end-of-life; end-of-life care options; caregiver support;
- knowledge of the main differences between the paternalistic model and the patient-centered model;
- knowledge of the principles of bioethics and deontology inherent to early and simultaneous palliative care;
- knowledge and management of the main aspects relating to psycho-social support and communication aimed at the patient and caregiver, even at the end of life;
- knowledge of sedation in the case of physical symptoms and in the case of psychological symptoms, as well as the associated legislation and ethics and the role of the "surrogate";
- knowledge and management of the main anthropological approaches regarding accompaniment in death and dying, mourning and condolence;
- knowledge of the aspects of the spiritual accompaniment of the oncology-haematological patient at the end of life;
- knowledge of the principles that regulate research in early and simultaneous palliative care; knowledge of the relevant outcomes and the main tools for measuring and evaluating them;
- knowledge of the territorial management of advanced stage oncological and hematological patients;
- knowledge of the third sector that operates in the context of early and simultaneous palliative care (the experiences of AIL Nazionale and AIL Modena OdV);
- knowledge of the Vital Talk communication model and focus on communication strategies.

Official language(s)

Eligible for admission to the Master's program are those who hold a degree obtained pursuant to DM 270/2004, DM 509/1999, the system prior to DM 509/1999:
- Single-cycle Master's Degree/Specialty Degree in Medicine and Surgery (Class LM-41, Class 46/S);
Holders of one of the following degrees obtained under the system prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 are also eligible: Medicine and Surgery 
- Equivalent degree issued abroad, recognized as suitable by the Scientific Council of the course for the limited purposes of course enrollment only

Registration with Medical Surgeons Association is also required.