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Vocational Master Programme (1st level)


Specific learning objectives
The Course aims to provide laboratory technicians with specific training in the area of sampling, preparation and storage of biopsies and operative sampling. With the help of theoretical lectures and practical internship, the participant will be enabled to develop specific skills to:
1) include biopsy material (needle biopsies and endoscopic biopsies) taken from different organs;
2) orient and sample skin punches and lozenges;
3) sample more complex operative pieces, in collaboration with the anatomo-pathologist or independently, as appropriate;
4) manage the various activities of the histopathology laboratory. Specific learning moments will focus on the preparation of intraoperative examinations at the freezer, macro-sectioning technology, and kerosene embedding of cytological material; areas related to preparation and microdissection (manual or laser-assisted) of material for in-situ or extractive molecular biology evaluations and issues related to the collection of biological material for biobanks, such as informed consent collection and cryopreservation, will also be explored.
Learning macroscopic histopathologic techniques will increase the professional skills of the participants making it easier for them to fit into the complex system of the Pathology Anatomy laboratory.

Official language(s)

a) Eligible for admission to the Master's program are those who hold a degree obtained pursuant to DM 270/2004, DM 509/1999, the system prior to DM 509/1999 or equivalent degrees in:
- Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (ministerial class L/SNT3)
- Biotechnology (ministerial class L-2)
- Biological Sciences (ministerial class L-13)
- Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (ministerial class LM-9)
- Biology (ministerial class LM-6)
b) Holders of University Diplomas that are equivalent under the current regulations and holders of Diplomas obtained prior to the activation of the degree courses mentioned above under Article 4 of Law 26.2.1999, No. 42, are also eligible for the Master's Degree, provided that they hold a second-degree education diploma