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Academic Year 2023/2024

Admission to the course is limited

For the academic year 2023/2024, 38 places have been requested from the Ministry, 2 of which are reserved for foreign students

The selection test is scheduled for September 14, 2023.

For more information access the following link

Announcement of Admission to Degree Courses in Health Professions.

The single written selection test for all courses consists of solving 60 questions presenting five answer options, from which the candidate must identify only one, discarding incorrect, arbitrary or less likely conclusions, on topics of:

Biology (18 questions)

Chemistry (12 questions)

Physics and Mathematics (8 questions)

General Culture (12 questions)

Logical Reasoning (10 questions)

The program for each of the subjects covered by the test is published in Annex A to the Ministerial Decree. n.730 of 25 June 2021 "Programs relating to the questions of the admission tests for the master's degree courses in Medicine and Surgery, in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics in Veterinary Medicine" and for the degree courses in the Health Professions available HERE

Are assigned:

- 1.5 points for each correct answer;

- minus 0.4 (-0.4) points for each incorrect answer;

- 0 points for each omitted answer;

The maximum score that can be attributed to the written test is therefore 90 points.

On each exam day, before the start of the test, the President of the Commission or the Room Manager draws four students from among the candidates present in the room and checks with them the integrity of the boxes; then provides for the opening of the same and the distribution of the packages in relation to the number of participants; gives each candidate the "instruction sheet for completing the answer form". The "instruction sheets for completing the answer form" are made available to candidates before the start of the test. The President of the Commission or the Room Manager then draws up a declaration which shows the integrity of the boxes, the number of packages assigned and the number of packages that may not have been used. This declaration is also signed by the four students selected. On each exam day, the President of the Commission or the Room Manager also draws up the room minutes, prepared according to the format made available by the MIUR. In the event that one or more candidates report irregularities regarding the package received, the President of the Commission or the Room Manager verifies its reliability and, if necessary, replaces the package. This operation must appear in the classroom minutes together with the related reasons. The replaced packages are not to be considered waste material, but must be kept as provided for in point 9, letter e) of Annex 1 of the Ministerial Decree. n. 730 of 25 June 2021. Each candidate in the recognition phase will be given a pre-compiled personal data sheet, prepared by the Cineca Consortium and containing their personal data. The candidate must promptly check the data in the form and report any errors or absence thereof to obtain its replacement. Further signs or corrections made subsequently which cause objective difficulty in identifying the candidate, if appropriately reported by the candidate, will also allow the replacement of the card.

According to what is defined in the competition notice, for the admission test to the Courses in the Health Professions, the CCdS may, if the need arises, based on the results of the admission test, assign Additional Training Obligations (OFA), as regulated in the Teaching Regulations of the Course and the University.

Students who may be interested in fulfilling the OFA will be informed by the CdS and invited to attend the courses through Distance Learning (FAD) on specific platforms.

In this regard but also for any other purpose or educational interest, Unimore offers its students the opportunity to exploit distance learning platforms.

1. Transfer from other courses of study and/or other universities is permitted subject to verification of the knowledge and skills actually possessed, in accordance with the appropriate notice of Didactic Regulations of the Degree Course in Medical Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques L-SNT3 6 admission/transfer published on the Unimore website at

2. Transfer from courses of study in Medical Radiology Imaging Techniques of other Italian universities is allowed, limited to the availability of places. The eventual recognition of CFUs will be made by the CCdS according to the following criteria: a. if the student comes from the same course of study or the same class, the share of CFUs related to the same disciplinary scientific area directly recognized cannot be less than 50%; The non-recognition of credits must be adequately justified by the CCdS. In the case where specific agreements exist, the recognition of credits acquired at other Italian or foreign universities may be determined automatically, consistent with the provisions of the university regulations and the relevant legislation in force.

3. In case of full validation of an exam taken and credits earned, the original grade is confirmed. The original grade is also confirmed if the validation is conditional on passing a supplementary interview.

4. If a student enrolled in the CdS requests the recognition of a single course passed at another university and provided for as mandatory in the programmed teaching offerings, the CdS or the committee in charge will discretionally assess whether or not to grant recognition of the relevant CFUs.

The Right-to-higher education represents the set of interventions promoted to encourage success in university studies. The various benefits and services offered by the university are regulated on the basis of economic status and/or income requirements and also merit requirements.

For the implementation of these interventions, Unimore and Azienda Regionale per il Diritto agli Studi Superiori ER.GO Annually publish a benefit announcement for:

  • Scholarships
  • Reduced tuition fees (differentiated contribution)
  • Full or partial exemption from payment of university fees and contributions
  • Paid student collaborations / Peer tutoring students with disabilities
  • Housing service in university residences
  • Facilitated access to food service
  • International mobility grants
  • "Top Student" Fee Waiver