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In case of injury during the clinical internship, the student must immediately:

  • Notify the Operating Unit/Service Coordinator or other referring professional.
  • Follow the specific directions of the Hospital/Facility at which he/she is conducting training (the same for nurses and students).
  • Go to the emergency room promptly to report and complete the medical certification of work injury - INAIL.
  • Have the Coordinator complete the "Declaration of Student Internship Attendance" form and prepare a copy of the planned monthly schedule.



Immediately inform the staff doctor and/or the Head Nurse of the department or Delivery Room to fill in the first part of the INAIL form together

 a) If the source patient is known, you must request his or her written consent using the appropriate form, available from the Operating Unit/Service, in order to perform all or part of the blood tests for hepatitis B, C, and HIV. Once consent is obtained, it is possible to draw the patient and go to the Emergency Room, with the patient's tube and a blood sample from the injured student, as quickly as possible (optimal time within 4 hours of injury).

b) If the source patient is not known, go to the Emergency Room as soon as possible with a blood sample from the injured student and follow the directions given.

In the event that the known patient does not provide consent to the performance of blood tests, act as in point b).

After 5/6 days contact HEALTH SURVEILLANCE to withdraw test results: HBV, HCV, HIV ,(Possible follow up).



If the injury occurs en route, i.e., 30 minutes before the start of the internship/class time or 30 minutes after the end, the student should go to the Emergency Room and follow the directions provided (the same for nurses and students).

Go to the emergency room immediately, the doctor will issue the certificate with the prognosis and the INAIL form.


In all cases of injury

After following the specific directions of the Hospital/Facility at which he/she is doing the internship, the injured student should go promptly (within 48 hours) to the front desk of the Service Center, Polyclinic, 71 Via del Pozzo, whose staff will collect the following documentation:

  • Medical certification of work injury-INAIL issued by the emergency room.
  • Declaration of Injured Student's Attendance at Internship (form attached to be completed by AFP Coordinator or Tutor).
  • Copy of the injured student's monthly schedule.
  • Social security number of the injured student.

In the event that the injured student is unable to go to the above office in person, the person delegated by him must present himself with a copy of the injured student's identity card and health card.