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Elective or student-choice educational activities (ADEs)

Elective Educational Activities independently chosen by the Student (ADEs) are an integral part of the curriculum to the extent of 6 university credits (CFUs) distributed over the three-year period. The ADEs are aimed at deepening specific knowledge and training aspects that optimize the preparation and training of the learner, allowing a personalization of the Student's curriculum. The types of educational activities that contribute to the accrual of CFUs of the student's choice activities are:

  • monographic courses;
  • seminars, conferences, congresses and fairs in the health care field;
  • teaching activities of other Courses of Study of the same or other universities;
  • cultural activities promoted by Student or Professional Associations;
  • training internships at health and/or social care facilities under agreement;
  • tutoring activities;
  • social/health volunteering.

Elective Educational Activities are to be achieved by attending activities suggested by the degree program or proposed directly by the student. In the case of ADEs identified by the student, in order to obtain credit recognition, it is necessary to submit the proposal in advance for authorization by the Coordination of the CdS and the President of the CdS, who will verify its consistency with the educational project. 10 hours of frontal activities correspond to one credit. The proposed activities are included on the syllabus, students at the end of the activity are required to upload on Drive certificates of participation or self-certification (in case no certificate is provided) in order to obtain the expected credits. Minutes are taken at the end of each academic year.


Laboratories are mandatory activities for all students and are specific to the disciplinary scientific area MED/48. The laboratories are intended to anticipate internship experiences in order for the student to acquire technical-practical, interpersonal, organizational, and problem solving skills in a safe and secure setting. The labs also provide an opportunity for the student to train in applying theoretical principles to clinical practice. This training activity takes place in equipped environments, with small groups of students led by a professional teaching tutor who acts as a facilitator of learning and ensures realism to the laboratory experience. Students are engaged with questions, stimulating them to clinical and professional reasoning. 

Other activities

By Other we mean training activities aimed at acquiring additional language knowledge, as well as computer skills, relational skills, or otherwise useful for entry into the world of work, as well as training activities aimed at facilitating professional choices, through direct knowledge of the work sector to which the degree may give access, including, in particular, training and orientation internships. The proposed activities are included in the study plan; students at the end of the activity are required to upload certificates of participation or self-certification (if no certificate is provided) in order to obtain the required credits. Minutes are taken at the end of each academic year.


Activity list

Forst year

ADE IStudent-choice MED/48Volta Barbara
Student-choice MED/48Volta Barbara
BiologyBIO717Carnevale Gianluca
OtherCAD  3DING-IND/15Francesco Gherardini
First year Teaching Laboratory (eligibility)Occupational Therapy ModelsMED/48Volta Barbara
Psychomotor development of the healthy childMED/48Miselli Federica
Second year
ADE IIDiseases of the visual systemMED/30Gozzi Fabrizio
OTHER seminars 2nd yearAudiologyMED/32Genovese Elisabetta

Third year

ADE IIIAugmentative Alternative CommunicationMED/48Leorin Christian 
Interprofessional laboratoriesMED/48Volta Barbara
Altre seminari 3 annoRehabilitation seminar for spinal cord injuriesMED/48Beatrice Castellan
Amputee rehabilitation seminarMED/48 
Teaching Laboratory 3rd yearTeaching Laboratory: evidence based practiceMED/48Schiavi Margherita
1st year 1st SEMESTER
Anatomy (6 CFU) 
HistologyBIO/171Carnevale Gianluca
Applied BiologyBIO/131Rontauroli Sebastiano
Basic and movement anatomyBIO/164Francesco Cavani
Psychopedagogy (7 CFU) – shared SNT2
General psychologyM-PSI/011Angela Ciaramidaro
Clinical PsychologyM-PSI/081Silvia Monauni
General and social pedagogyM-PED/011Barbieri Nicola
Developmental and educational psychologyM-PSI/042Cadamuro Alessia
Experimental Pedagogy AM-PED/041Andrea Pagano
Experimental Pedagogy BM-PED/041Andrea Pagano
Research methodology (5 credits) – shared SNT2
Medical statisticsMED/013Laura Bonvicini
General and applied hygieneMED/421Elena Righi
Research methodology in rehabilitationMED/481Stefania Costi
1st year 2nd SEMESTER
Physiology (7 CFU) – SNT2
General physiologyBIO/093 
NeurophysiologyBIO/092Gandolfi Daniela 
General Sociology (TO only)SPS/072Ceci Amelia
General methodology of rehabilitation and kinesiology (9 CFU)
BiomechanicsMED/342Francesco Romagnoli/Schiavi Margherita
SINTR: the musculoskeletal system in occupationsMED/482Catia Mercanti
SINTR: Canadian Occupational Therapy processMED/481Margherita Schiavi
SINTR: rehabilitation nursing and bedsore preventionMED/481Margherita Schiavi
SINTR: analysis of activity in a healthy individualMED/481Barbara Volta 
Electronic and computer bioengineeringING-INF/062Devis Trioschi/Roberta Agusto
Other (1 CFU)
3D CADMED/461Francesco Gherardini
Teaching laboratory (2CFU)
Occupational Therapy ModelsMED/481Barbara Volta 
Psychomotor development of the healthy childMED/481Federica Miselli
English (4 CFU) 
Ade I second semester (3 CFU)
Demoethnoanthropological disciplines 1Barbieri Nicola
Student-choiceMED/481Barbara Volta
 MED/481 Carnevale Gianluca
2nd year 1st SEMESTER
Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (8 CFU)
Diseases of the musculoskeletal systemMED/332Giuseppe Porcellini / Luigi Tarallo
RheumatologyMED/161Gilda Sandri
Physical medicine and rehabilitationMED/341Chiara Donetti
SITNR OT in OrthopaedicsMED/482Margherita Schiavi
SITNR OT in RheumatologyMED/481Margherita Schiavi
SITNR Legislation and home adaptationsMED/481M.Lucia Campani
Basics of Pathology and Pharmacology (5 CFU) – SNT2
PharmacologyBIO/141Tascedda Fabio
General pathologyMED/043Nasi Milena
Anesthesiology: oncology and pain therapyMED/411Busani Stefano
Specialized Medicine and Occupational Therapy (5 CFU)
Applied technical dietetic sciencesMED/491Carubbi Francesca
Respiratory system diseasesMED/101Clini Enrico
Geriatric Internal MedicineMED/091Mussi Chiara
SITNR  - treatment guidelines for patients with cardio-respiratory problemsMED/482Gentili Matteo
Developmental medicine and rehabilitation (5 CFU) – shared SNT2
Clinical PsychologyM-PSI/081Benassi Erika
Child neuropsychiatry: rehabilitation in developmental age pathologiesMED/391Persico Antonio
PediatricsMED/381Bergamini Barbara Maria
Physical medicine and rehabilitationMED/341Stefania Fugazzaro
Child neuropsychiatryMED/391Virginia Giuberti
2nd year 2nd SEMESTER
Neuroscience (7 CFU) shared SNT2
Neurology IMED/262Jessica Mandrioli
NeuroradiologyMED/361Pecchi Annarita
PsychiatryMED/251Gian Maria Galeazzi
Neurology II (neuropsychology)MED/262Francesca Benuzzi
Internal Medicine - PsychogeriatricsMED/091Chiara Mussi
Rehabilitation Methodologies in OT (5 CFU)
Clinical psychology in chronic illnessM-PSI/081Annalisa Ferrarini
PsychiatryMED/251Silvia Ferrari
RheumatologyMED/161Gilda Sandri
SITNR – patient treatment guidelines with neuropsychological problemsMED/481Cristina Reverberi
Evaluation in Occupational TherapyMED/481Barbara Volta
Rehabilitation and TO in NPI (3 CFU)
Physical Medicine and rehabilitationMED/341Silvia Sghedoni
SITNR – OT in NPI IIMED/481Elena Rivi
SITNR – OT in NPI IMED/481Laura Richiusa
Ade II second semester (1CFU)
Diseases of the visual systemMED/301Fabrizio Gozzi
Other (1CFU)
Audiology (first semester)MED/321Elisabetta Genovese
3rd year 1st SEMESTER
Management in the healthcare area (7 CFU) - shared SNT2
Business organizationSECS-P/101Ugoletti Danica
Labor lawIUS/071Levi Alberto
Forensic medicineMED/431Cecchi Rossana
Occupational medicineMED/441Modenese Alberto
SITNR Professional ethicsMED/481Radhesshi Erjon
Medical statisticsMED/011Formisano Debora
Rehabilitative and occupational methodologies in occupational medicine (4 CFU)
Occupational medicineMED/441Gianni Gilioli
SITNR – OT occupational medicineMED/481Margherita Schiavi
Social psychology: palliative careM-PSI/052Pedroni Cristina
Methodologies and techniques of special occupational therapy (7 CFU)
Medical oncologyMED/061Stefano Luminari
Physical medicine and rehabilitation (head trauma)MED/341Lombardi Francesco 
SITNR: OT in head traumaMED/482Barbara Volta
SITNR: Upper limb bracesMED/483Romagnoli Francesco
Human sciences applied to OT (6 CFU)
Clinical psychologyM-PSI/081Tania Bedogni
Dynamic psychologyM-PSI/071Tania Bedogni
SITNR: OT in advanced childhood areaMED/482Elena Rivi
SITNR – OT in GeriatricsMED/481Fabbo Andrea/ Lanzoni Alessandro
SITNR – OT in OncologyMED/481Heather Hammond
3rd year 2° SEMESTER
Ade III (2 CFU) 
Alternative augmentative communication (with logo)MED/481Leorin Cristian
Interprofessional workshopsMED/481Volta Barbara
Teaching laboratory (1 CFU)
EBP laboratoryMED/481Margherita Schiavi
Other (2 CFU) 
Rehabilitation seminar for spinal cord injuriesMED/481Elisabetta Beatrice Castellan
Amputee rehabilitation seminarMED/481 

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