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The Degree course in Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques (TRMIR) qualifies professionals to handle and exploit different types of energy (X-rays and gamma rays, magnetic fields, ultrasound, etc.) for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The study programme, which is continually updated as technologies progress, is rich in subjects that are also very different, forming a potentially multifaceted professional figure capable of working both independently and in close collaboration in teams with figures such as Medical Physicists, Radiology Specialists, Nuclear Physicians and Radiotherapists.

Course DirectorProf.ssa Annarita Pecchi  
tel. 059 422 5282
Director of Professionalizing Teaching Activities  Dott. Leonardo Canulli  
tel. 059 422 5403
Tutor Professional Training ActivitiesDott. Massimiliano Contesini  
tel. 0522 522065 Ufficio Reggio Emilia
SecretariatDott.ssa Caterina Caputo;  
tel. 059 422 2874
Course locationVia del Pozzo 71, 41124 Modena

Admission to the degree programme is subject to the possession of a secondary school diploma or equivalent suitable qualification obtained abroad.
Admission to the programme is subject to the passing of an entrance exam set in line with the laws in force concerning health professions and and the nationally programmed access (Law 264/99) and the relative call for admissions issued by UNIMORE.
Knowledge required for admission is deemed to be appropriate for all candidates obtaining a minimum of 20 points in the entrance exam, as laid down in Ministerial Decree no. 85 of 5 February 2014.
Candidates not achieving this score shall be assigned additional learning requirements (OFA) to be completed by attending the remedial courses indicated by the degree programme.

By clicking on the link below, you can view the study plan. 

  • Select the academic year of the enrollment from the drop-down menu at the top of the page
  • click the "STUDY PLANS" button.

Study plans