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Students must obtain during the three-year period 3 CFUs of Further Educational Activities through participation in three Professionalizing Laboratories, proposed one for each year and specifically:

Year I: Professionalizing Laboratory MED/50 (12 hours) - Conventional Radiology - Dr. Canulli


  • Radiology department, radiology request, informed consent. (2 hours)
  • Public employee liability and the TSRM profession (2 hours)
  • Biohazard in the hospital environment and load handling (2 hours)
  • Elements of communication and patient care in diagnostics(2 hours)Group meetings in diagnostics. (4 hours) 

Verification mode: closed-ended written test


Year II: Professionalizing Laboratory MED/50 (12 hours) - Computed Tomography. - Dr. Contesini


  • Main image reconstruction techniques (from raw data to final image) (4 hours)
  • Main parameters to be set in the CT console and their influence on the final image in terms of spatial resolution, contrast, noise, and patient dose (4 hours)
  • Group meetings in diagnostics. (4 hours) 

Verification mode: closed-ended written test


Year III: MED/50 Professionalizing Laboratory (12 hours) - Radiotherapy Treatment Plans - Dr.ssa Bertolini (Arcispedale Santa Marina Nuova)


  • What is a treatment plan
  • What it takes to prepare itICRU Reports No.50-62The DVH
  • Planning techniques in RT
  • Conformational techniques
  • Treatment plan customization
  • Adaptive radiotherapy
  • The computer system for data management in radiotherapy
  • Simulation: retrieval of information necessary for plan preparation such as: isocenter location, prescription (total dose, fractionation, intent of therapy), information on the patient's condition (with particular reference to any comorbidities and degree of cooperation) - treatment pathway

Verification mode: closed-ended written test