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Reference group: Dott. Massimiliano Contesini, Dott. Leonardo Canulli

The technical-practical internship (Professionalizing Training Activity) represents an essential training moment within the Degree course in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy and is also an opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the lessons and to " compete" directly with what will be future professional activities, with the work environment and TSRM colleagues. Attendance at professional training activities is mandatory as are lessons. To be able to access the final degree exam, which is immediately qualifying for the profession, the student must have completed all the hours of internship foreseen in the three years of the course, Table B of the AFP Minimum Standards and have passed the annual exams apprenticeship. “To ensure the acquisition of the technical skills necessary for the exercise of professional activities, the profiles of which are approved with Ministerial Decree Health No. 746/94, the professional training activities, in the form of guided internships and direct training, must amount to a overall total of 60 university credits. In particular, for the first year of the course, the credits (CFU) of direct training in diagnostics to be achieved are 10 which correspond to 250 hours. There will be 20 for the second year and 30 for the third year. The Professionalizing Training Activity is also divided into seminar activities, individual and group learning through simulations, exercises, tutorial sessions and laboratories.

The venues for carrying out the AFP are those of the hospitals belonging to the SNN in the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Rotating attendance is expected in the various diagnostics, departments and hospitals, with a fixed assignment established by the Director of Educational Activities (DAD) and the Tutors, in order to allow all students to receive homogeneous and complete training in all areas. radiological tests and to avoid unnecessary overlapping of students in the same diagnostics. Attendance is recorded via an attendance register (to be filled in with great care) or a badge and daily signature of the TSRM in charge of the diagnostics (internship guide), which he/she will affix to the internship booklet at the end of the shift, after verifying actual presence. and student collaboration in department activities. The DAD is responsible for the planning, organization and verification of the technical-practical internship and for the custody of the internship booklets in collaboration with the Tutors, the Internship Guides and the students themselves. The DAD, the Tutors and the Internship Guides verify the regularity of attendance at the AFP during the course and at the end of each semester.The Professionalizing DAD is responsible for the planning, organization and verification of the technical-practical internship and for the custody of the internship booklets in collaboration with the Tutors, the Internship Guides and the students themselves. The DAD, the Tutors and the Internship Guides verify the regularity of the student's attendance during the course and at the end of each semester.

To access the radiology departments, the "controlled areas" and the MRI sites, the student must be in possession of medical suitability for exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, a dosimeter (after classification by the Radiation Protection Expert) and have obtained the attendance certificates of the FAD Sicur-MoRe course (pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08).

The level of learning of the AFP is assessed at the end of each academic year through an exam included, like other courses, in the study plan. The commission for this exam is made up of the DAD, the AFP Tutors and the MED/50 teachers of the Course.

Schedule of Professionalizing Training Activities planned for the three-year period 

Conventional radiology

(RX, Visceral and Urgent, MOC)

Computed Tomography (CT)Angiography and HemodynamicsMammogramMagnetic Resonance ImagingNuclear MedicineRadiotherapyMedical Physics (CQ)Medical Physics (care plans and QC in RT)
IX (2°SEM)      X(2°SEM) 
IIX (1° SEM)X (1-2°SEM)X (2°SEM)X(2°SEM)X(1°SEM)X(2°SEM)X