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The student must compulsorily comply with the preparatory requirements set out in the Teaching Regulations, indicated below:

1st year

The “Biomedical Sciences 1” course is preparatory to the “Biomedical Sciences 2” course.

2nd year

The "Conventional Radiology" and "Projections and Radiological Anatomy" courses of the first year are preparatory to the "Computerized Tomography and Equipment" and "Specialist Radiology" courses of the second year.

The “Internship 1” course is preparatory to the “Internship 2” course.

3rd year 

The “Internship 2” course is preparatory to the “Internship 3” course.

The "Radiobiology and basic radiotherapy" and "Nuclear medicine" courses of the second year are preparatory to the "Special techniques in radiotherapy and nuclear medicine" course of the third year.

Enrollment in later years 

The transition from the 1st to the 2nd year is allowed for students who have an educational debt not exceeding 15 CFU. The transition from the 2nd to the 3rd year is allowed for students who have an educational debt not exceeding 20 ECTS.

For students who are temporarily unsuitable for the specific job due to pregnancy, the internship exams will not be included for the purposes of calculating the educational debt.

During the three-year period of the Degree Course, additional training activities are planned, previously approved in the CCdS. These activities must be recorded in the appropriate booklets and delivered to the Student Secretariat at the end of the career. The total number of credits foreseen for further training activities must be no less than 6 and the Med/50 professionalizing workshops (3 credits) are to be excluded from this calculation.

The Degree Course organizes and promotes initiatives useful for achieving the required amount of credits in the three-year period.

In particular, participation in:

  • Thematic seminars (proposed and organized by the Degree Course or by external organizations)
  • Congresses
  • Continuing education courses 
  • Webinar
  • TECO Project


Below is the updated list of proposed activities for the current three-year period:

  • European Congress of Radiology  (3 CFU)
  • Webinar AITRI - Covid-19 in Interventional Radiology (0,25 CFU)
  • Webinar AITRI - Angiographic Appliances and Hybrid Room (0,25 CFU)
  • Webinar AITRI - L.101/00 e LDR (0,25 CFU)
  • Seminar: Bibliographic research and thesis structuring (0,5 CFU) - Prof. Lohr - Dr. Contesini
  • Seminar: Social Respons(ABILITY) (0,5 CFU)
  • Synthesis methodology, QC, and diagnostic contribution of Ga-68-marked PET tracers
  • Seminar: Radiomics and Artificial Intelligence applied to radiodiagnostics (0,25 CFU)
  • Seminar: Topographical anatomy pt.1 - 2. Dr. Andrea Jacolin (0,5 CFU)
  • National Congress of the Italian Association of Interventional Radiology Technicians (1,5 CFU)
  • Seminar: The culture of risk and safety in health care: risk management in the radiology area

A.Y. 2024/25

1st year: Daniele Pedone, Elena Sola

2nd year: Stefania Bottazzi, Marika Boumpane, Michela Chetta 

3rd year: Giulia Bici, Valentina Marchesi

Injury during clinical internship

In case of injury during clinical internship, the student must immediately:

Notify the Coordinator of the Operating Unit/Service or other referring professional.

Follow the specific instructions of the Hospital/Facility at which he/she is conducting training (the same for nurses and students).

Have the coordinator complete the form "Statement of student's attendance at internship" and prepare a copy of the planned monthly schedule.

Go to the emergency room promptly to report and complete the medical certification of work injury - INAIL.

Specific information for biohazard injury

(a) If the source patient is known, you must obtain his/her written consent using the appropriate form, available at the Operating Unit/Service, in order to perform all or part of the blood tests for hepatitis B, C, and HIV. Once consent is obtained, the patient can be sampled and go to the Emergency Department, with the patient's tube and a blood sample from the injured student, as soon as possible (optimal time within 4 hours of injury).

(b) If the source patient is not known, go to the Emergency Room as soon as possible with a blood sample from the injured student and follow the directions given.

In case the known patient does not provide consent for the blood test to be performed, act as in (b).


Injury on the way

If the injury occurs en route, i.e, 30 minutes before the start of the internship/class time or 30 minutes after the end, the student should go to the Emergency Room and follow the directions provided (the same for nurses and students).


In all cases of injury

In the case of an injury related to the clinical internship activity, the injured student after following the specific directions of the Hospital/Facility at which he/she is doing the internship, should promptly send an email to the following address: attaching the following documentation:

  • Medical certification of work injury - INAIL issued by the emergency room
  • Declaration of presence in internship of injured student by Host Company, completed by Nursing Coordinator
  • Monthly scheduling of internship attendance time by injured student
  • Identification document
  • Social security number of the injured student.