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The Degree Course in Obstetrics has a strong practical connotation that materializes with the internship activity.

The course of study, with compulsory attendance, has a six-monthly organization of training activities (basic and professionalizing teachings), characterized by theoretical learning (lectures, laboratories, exercises) and clinical-assistance (internship). The practical application internship activity is mandatory and is carried out with the supervision and guidance of professional tutors and Internship Guides.

In addition to the traditional internship locations (AUSL and AOU of the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia) it is possible to make agreements with other accredited structures.

The practical internship is a form of educational activity that involves the acquisition of professionalizing skills through the execution of practical activities with varying degrees of autonomy that gradually increase as the student's experience grows.

At the end of each internship period, the Internship Guide will issue the student a written evaluation based on 8 items:

a - Punctuality

b - Order

c - Communication and ability to work in a team

d - Knowledge and application in work

e - Interest and involvement in care activities

f - Relational skills

g - Technical skills

h - Self-assessment skills

The following evaluation level will be used for each type of question:

  • insufficient
  • sufficient
  • fairgood
  • distinct
  • excellent