The Degree Course in Obstetrics has a strong practical connotation that is expressed through the internship activity; the latter is a form of educational activity that allows the acquisition of professionalizing skills through the execution of practical activities, with the achievement of different degrees of autonomy as the student's experience grows. The internship is the set of multiple experiences based on an educational project managed by Tutors and Internship Guides. It is a fundamental learning method for the student, which allows him/her to socially integrate with professionals and with the world of work.
The Internship Satisfaction Questionnaire is a tool for measuring quality; at the end of each individual internship experience, the student will evaluate in a constructive and proactive way his/her own experience, understood as integration into a complex and articulated healthcare organization. The questionnaire is completely anonymous and includes the evaluation of several items:
1. Reception at the Internship Location
2. Learning Climate at the Internship Location
3. Guidance and Support at the Internship Location
4. Evaluation carried out by the Internship Guide(s)
5. Overall and final assessment of the Internship activity carried out
Students of the Degree Course voluntarily and anonymously evaluate each internship experience attended.