In the event of an accident during the clinical internship, the student must immediately:
- Inform the Coordinator of the Operating Unit/Service or other professional contact.
- Follow the specific instructions of the Hospital/Structure where the training activity is being carried out (the same for professionals and students).
- Have the Coordinator fill out the "Declaration of presence in the student's internship" form and prepare a copy of the planned monthly timetable.
- Go promptly to the Emergency Room to report and complete the medical certification of work-related injury - INAIL.
Specific information for accidents at biological risk
- If the source patient is known, it is necessary to request his/her written consent using the appropriate form, available at the Operating Unit/Service, in order to perform all or part of the blood tests for hepatitis B, C and HIV. Once consent has been obtained, it is possible to take the blood sample from the patient and go to the Emergency Room, with the patient's test tube and a blood sample from the injured student, as soon as possible (optimal time within 4 hours of the accident).
If the source patient is not known, go to the Emergency Room as soon as possible with a blood sample from the injured student and follow the instructions provided. - If the known patient does not give consent to the blood tests, proceed as in point 2)
Accident in itinere
If the accident occurs in itinere, i.e. 30 minutes before the start of the internship/lesson time or 30 minutes after the end, the student must go to the Emergency Room and follow the instructions provided (the same for professionals and students).
In all cases of injury
In the event of an injury related to the clinical internship activity, the injured student, after having followed the specific instructions of the Hospital/Structure where he/she is carrying out the internship, must promptly send an email to the following address: attaching the following documentation:
- Medical certification of work-related injury - INAIL issued by the Emergency Department
- Declaration of presence in the internship of the injured student by the host company, filled out by the Coordinator
- Monthly schedule of the internship attendance time by the injured student
- Email and mobile phone contact of the injured student
- Identity document and Tax Code of the injured student